I completed this project as a full-time developer for the employer

The Context

8 Weeks of Code (formerly 5 Weeks of Code) was a summer internship program of Wycliffe Associates. In the 2015 debut program, the interns were challenged to aid oral-to-oral translation efforts. translationRecorder was the project that came out as the result. A couple years later, at the time of this writing, it has been widely used at Bible translation workshops around the world.

The home screen presents a fork-in-the-road for the users: mother-tongue-translators and trained facilitators.

The Stack

translationRecorder is an Android app.

My Role

I came in to assist the lead developer with the intention of converting screen designs into live code during a re-design phase of the project. When the designer was no longer involved in the project, I picked up the designer mantle as well. Essentially, I did the UI design and development for the project re-design. I still give advice and create asset when needed today.

After recording, you can do basic editing in the playback screen.

The Process

I always started my process by capturing and understanding the real need of users. Since there was a great distance between myself and the users, I communicate with the product owner and some stakholders as the proxy. I also work closely with the lead developer to discuss technical possibilities and limitations that are involved.

The initial designer built a great design foundation which I built upon as the project evolved in complexity. I stayed close to the same look and feel when designing the interface. When it's necessary to grow out, I was not afraid to do so while staying adherent to Google's Material Design principles.

I used balsamiq to create the high-fidelity mockup and uploaded them to inVisionApp to kick off the feedback process. Once approved, I started creating the asset and build the layout with XML and some Android-flavored Java.