I completed this project as a personal capstone project

The Context

At the end of an Angular course with Thinkful, I needed a project that would showcase the skills I've acquired from the course. The idea is to use this app to track my Thinkful learning session.

Thinkful Time Logger app is built with minimum visual distraction.

The Stack

The app was built with HTML, CSS, and Angular 1. Github was used to host the static website and Firebase provided persistence.

My Role

This is a personal project, so I did everything.

The Process

I wanted each component on the app (the timer, the text-editor, etc.) to be as modular as possible. They were built as child components that live inside the parent app component where data flows.

To enable persistence, I must be able to associate data with a user. For this purpose, I associate someone's data with their google account (since everyone has a google account, right?).